The College of Polytechnics Jihlava is a professionally oriented tertiary educational institution specializing in applied education whose mission is to provide professionally diverse study programmes based primarily on the regional labour market needs, to support intensive cooperation with the application sphere and its innovative development, to foster adequate publication activities and applied research, to provide lifelong learning programmes, and to assist the cultural and generally educational development of the region.
Study programmes
The College of Polytechnics Jihlava provides professionally oriented bachelor’s and master’s study programmes in both full-time and combined form of study and lifelong learning courses.
A diverse range of bachelor's study programmes in the economic, healthcare and technical fields along with master’s study programmes correspond to the needs of the regional labour market and to the name of the college. A borrowing from the Old Greek language, the word “Polytechnics” in its broadest sense means proficiency in an art or craft, experience, skill, dexterity, mastery, a range of skills. That is the direction this relatively young, regionally oriented college takes.
The general aim of studying in accredited study programmes is to provide students with the opportunity to obtain professionally oriented education with significantly practical outcomes. An important part of the study are long-term practical placements in organisations lasting for at least 12 weeks. After passing the state final exam and defending the bachelor's/diploma thesis, the graduate receives a diploma and the title of bachelor (B.C.) / master (Mgr.) / engineer (Ing.) as well as the possibility of further study in subsequent programmes at other universities in the country or abroad. Studying in the accredited bachelor's study programmes lasts three years and takes place in full-time and combined forms. Studying in the accredited master's study programmes lasts two years and takes place in full-time and combined forms of study. The study offer is continuously expanded as new study programmes are accredited in the administrative procedure.
Further teaching takes place in lifelong learning courses, including the University of the Third Age.
As a research organisation listed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the College of Polytechnics Jihlava participates in various research and creative activities, in solving tasks from the corporate or public sphere, organizes conferences with international participation, publishes its own journals, and students and academic staff participate in international exchange stays. As the only college in the Czech Republic, it also runs its own travel agency.
Katedra technických studií
The department provides teaching of electrical engineering, IT and engineering subjects in the study programmes Applied Informatics, Applied Technology for Industrial Practice and Applied Engineering. In addition, it provides a number of IT subjects for students of other programmes of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava.
The department has seven specialized workplaces (Laboratory of the Industry 4.0, Laboratory of Experimental Measurement, Laboratory o Production Processes, Laboratory of Signal Processing and Multimedia, etc.) that, in addition to direct teaching, are used to implement student projects and final theses.