Laboratoř Průmyslu 4.0 je nové, moderní pracoviště pro výuku předmětů zaměřených na průmyslovou automatizaci, robotiku a technologie Industry 4.0. Laboratoř je mimo jiné vybavena výukovou výrobní linkou CP Faktory od firmy FESTO, která umožňuje demonstrovat moderní principy a technologie pro řízení výroby, logistiky a distribuci výrobních zdrojů. Studenti se zde mohou zabývat jak nižší úrovní řízení (PLC systémy, pneumatické systémy), tak vyšším řízením a plánováním výroby pomocí MES a SCADA systémů. Laboratoř je též vybavena několika 6-ti osými roboty Mitsubishi a mobilními roboty Robotino. Studenti zde mohou řešit nejen úlohy čistě robotické (pohyb, stabilita atd.), ale také problémy z oblasti umělé inteligence jako např. orientace robota v neznámém prostoru, či strojové vidění. Samostatnou kapitolou je pak virtuální část laboratoře, která je tvořena nástroji pro simulace průmyslových systémů a vzdálený přístup. Celý výrobní proces je navržen tak, aby mohl být ovládán vzdáleně, nebo naopak simulován na libovolném počítači bez přístupu k fyzickému zařízení.
Studenti technicky zaměřených studijních programů se v laboratoři seznamují s elektrickými, mechatronickými, pneumatickými a robotickými systémy. Probíhá zde výuka programování PLC řídících systémů, robotů, průmyslových komunikačních technologií a studenti mají možnost pracovat se systémy pro podporu a řízení výroby jako jsou MES či SCADA. Vybavení laboratoře slouží pochopitelně také při zpracovávání studentských projektů a závěrečných prací.
V této oblasti je Laboratoř Průmyslu 4.0 orientována především na filosofii Asset Administration Shell a její implementaci při tvorbě skutečných digitálních dvojčat. Aktuální výzvou je také použití strojového vidění při řízení průmyslových robotů.
Napojení na průmysl
V oblasti projektové spolupráce nabízí laboratoř technologické a softwarové zázemí pro testování a vývoj zejména v oblasti průmyslových komunikačních protokolů, simulací či virtualizací výrobních technologií a procesů či v oblasti vývoje jednoúčelových automatických výrobních zařízení. V současné době probíhá projektová spolupráce v rámci projektu – odkaz na projekt INAPA
Question category: Purpose of the facility
Question category: Purpose of the facility
(x) Teaching
(x) Training
(x) Innovation/Research
( ) DIY
( ) Networking
( ) Other: Business in process automation and digitalization of factories

Describe your testbed (projects, research, main focusing)
Big laboratory equipped by CP Factory production line, simple MES, three 6-axes industry robots, 3 mobile Robotinos, 3D printers, development tools for creating virtual models and comfortable background for teaching and training.

Question category: Technology
What type of manufacturing is practiced or modeled at your testbed/Pilotfabrik? (Multiple answers possible)
(x) Discrete manufacturing (e.g. electronics, machine tools, vehicles and vehicle components)
( ) Process manufacturing (e.g. chemicals, paints, fuels, biochemical products)

In which phases of the product life cycle do the focal points of your testbed lie? (Multiple answers possible)
(x) Product development/product design
(x) Prototype construction
(x) Manufacturing/Production
(x) Assembly
(x) Logistics
( ) Service
( ) Recycling/upcycling/repair

What software do you use for virtualization, data acquisition and communication?
TIA Portal
CIROS Studio
Softing OPC UA Client
MS Visual Studio

Do you already have experience with these communication technologies? Do You use them in practical applications?
(x) OPC UA
( ) MQTT
( ) Industrial Ethernet (Profinet, PowerLink, EtherCAT, Ethernet IP, ...)
(x) Other

What kind of architecture do you use in your systems or projects? Please write a small description
( ) Hierarchical with gateways
( ) Pyramid with industrial Ethernet
(x) Decentralized

What specifications of the digital twin do you use?
We want to use Asset Administration Shell specification, but we haven’t it implemented in this time.

Do you use the Asset Administration Shell? What specification do you use (ZVEI, VDMA, VDI/VDE, other)?
ZVEI specification – but we are on the beginning of the implementation this principle into our CP Factory line.

What is the focus of current research and development activities?
Integration third-party application modules (3D printers) into our CP Factory line using proprietary FESTO communication protocol.

What is the focus of future research and development activities?
Implementation AAS principle and real digital twin on our CP Factory line
Using machine vision to control the removal of material from a box by our six-axis robot

What are the technologies and approaches that set your facility apart, or that differentiate you from competition?
Our department combine experts on mechanical and electrical engineering and automation under one row, so we can offer really complex view or solution of target problem.

Which equipment (investment sum >30.000,-- €) is available in your testbed?
CP Factory production line contains among other thins:
- three mobile robots Robotino
- three 6-axes industry robots Mitsubishi
- EMCO Milling station

Which target groups have active access to your infrastructure? (Multiple answers possible)
( ) Startups
( ) SME
( ) Large enterprises
(x) Students/Pupils
(x) Researchers
( ) Makers
( ) Other:

Question category: Courses and workshops
Does your testbed offer workshops or continuing education courses, if so which ones? (Multiple answers possible)
( ) Standardized courses
(x) Individual programs for companies
( ) Individual programs for educational institutions
( ) Publicly accessible continuing education
(x) Other: On demand.

Which of these formats are increasingly being used? (Multiple answers possible)
( ) Standardized courses
( ) Individual programs for companies
( ) Individual programs for educational institutions
( ) Publicly accessible continuing education
(x) Other:

Are there any plans to expand the range of training and further education courses, if so which ones and for which target group?
We want to offer the use of our equipment to SMEs and provide a better connection with technical high schools in our region (because they will be equipped by CP Labs, that are compatible with our Factory system).

To which target group(s) are your training programs available? (Multiple answers possible)
(x) Startups
(x) SME
( ) Large enterprises
(x) Students/Pupils
(x) Researchers
( ) Makers
(x) Self-employed
(x) Pilot & Learning Factories
( ) Other:

Question category: Offers for companies/startups
What opportunities do you offer companies to support them in product development? (Multiple answers possible)
(x) Consulting regarding prototyping and product development
(x) Testing of external developments/products in existing infrastructure of the testbed
( ) Access to production data
( ) Networking with investors
(x) Other:

Please rank the following groups of companies according to the intensity of their cooperation with you (ranking)
( ) Large companies (> 250 employees)
( ) Medium-sized companies (>50 employees)
( ) Small companies (<50 employees)
( ) Startups
( ) Self-employed

Are there one or more specific target groups that increasingly use your offer? (Multiple answers possible)
( ) Startups
( ) SME
( ) Large enterprises
( ) Self-employed
( ) Other:

Are there special offers for small and medium-sized enterprises, if so which ones?
We are open to cooperation with every partner, but the cooperation with SMEs should be more effective.

For which events can companies use your premises? (Multiple answers possible)
(x) Product presentations
( ) Networking events
( ) Corporate events
(x) Other:
( ) None

What dissemination and communication activities are you currently undertaking to address companies?
(x) Events and functions
( ) Partnerships (if yes, which ones)
( ) Media cooperations
(x) Word of Mouth
( ) Other:

Do companies in your region know about your offerings and services?
( ) Most companies are well informed
(x) Some companies are well informed
( ) Few companies are well informed
( ) Most companies are not well informed

What activities are you currently engaged in to motivate companies to work with you?
There are two technical conferences in our college this year, lats year we make an on-line webinar with a representative of the Chamber of commerce aso.

Question category: Cooperations and project work
Do you already cooperate with other similar institutions, if yes with which one or do you plan a cooperation / collaboration and if yes, with which institution
We plan to cooperate with Compas automatizace – we want to try deploy they MES system on our production line.

Which Industrie 4.0 topics are you most interested in for a possible cooperation with one or more project partners?
Asset Administration Shell
Real Digital Twin
Using artificial intelligence in optimalization of the produstion

Kontakt: Ing. Jan Jirsa, email: